Aug 15, 2007


EVEN if he’s preparing for his major concert at the Araneta Coliseum on October 19, Erik Santos still has his hands full
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in doing concerts abroad. He’s joining Sarah Geronimo and Mark Bautista in a concert tour in the United States. Among their scheduled tours are: August 24 (Bakersfield), August 25 (San Jose, California), August 31 (San Diego, California), September 1 (Los Angeles), September 7 (Las

Vegas), September 14 (Chicago), and September 15 in New York.
Meanwhile, Erik promises a different kind of performance when he steps on the Araneta Coliseum stage. He’s now taking dance lessons. He says he’s coming up with a concert that is worth seeing and that will surely be remembered.

Of course, he’s aware of the big challenge for him to fill up a big venue like Araneta Coliseum but he believes that if he prays really hard, the people would come and watch him perform together with his guests like The Company, Ms. Ai Ai delas Alas, Sam Milby, Yeng Constantino, and The Company.
Aster Amoyo
People's Journal

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