Jul 30, 2007

Ms. Ugly No More winners on the way to stardom

THE much-awaited result of the Hollywood-affiliated Beverly Hills 6750 search for Miss Ugly No More came to an exciting end in the unveiling ceremony held at the Teatrino Greenhills last Wednesday.
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It was a tough fight among the top three finalists namely Ma. Luisa Ramos, 23, of Tondo, Manila; Jeralyn Escorel, 27, of Antipolo City and Lou Victorioso, 31, of Bulacan. For three months, each one of them was subjected to dermatological, dental, and

and aesthetic surgical procedure done by an excellent team of plastic surgeons and specialists headed by Beverly Hills 6750 medical director Dr. Eduardo Santos.

Jessica Rodriguez of Beverly Hills 6750 cannot contain her joy telling everyone the remarkable transformation from plain-looking women to being star potential of the three finalists. The press people were purposely asked to sit on the front row tables for a closer look of the three female contenders.

Before the search, all three girls spoke of wanting to have a better chance in life beginning with a better perception of themselves. After their successful make-overs, they already have a far better view of themselves and most important, they gained confidence. It was so visible when they walked and paraded their “new beauty” on stage.

Indeed, you would hardly recognize them especially when you see how they looked before the make-over. Lou, for one, weighed 142 lbs and is now a striking beauty after losing almost 20 lbs. Her waistline of 36 inches has been trimmed to 28 inches and her hips which measured 39 inches is now 36. With her new hairstyle and sexy outfit, she is indeed a sight to behold. Ditto with Luisa and Jeralyn whose physical attributes had been enhanced. What the expert surgeons of Beverly Hills 6750 did to these three is almost like magic.

When the judging and text voting was over, the title holder was declared and she is Ma. Lourdes Teresa Victorioso or Lou for short. She will be the spokeperson for Beverly Hills 6750 spreading goodwill and hope, especially for those who perceive themselves as physically “impaired” before the search.

We congratulate Lou for her determination and courage and most specially the medical team of Beverly Hills 6750 who left no stone unturned in transforming these “ugly ducklings” into swans.

Incidentally, before the unveiling, some not-so-well known people were presented displaying the good results of the make-overs on their bodies. One of them is the mother of upcoming singer Miki Haan. Another matron showed off her newly enlarge breasts unaware of the fact that her right nippleis showing. But as the saying goes, the show must go on.

The finalists were serenaded by singer Gian Magdangal.

And speaking of quick results, we heard that Jeralyn who in real life is a wife and mother of one and who dreams to be an entertainer offer from GMA 7 to be built up as a comedian.
Remy Umerez
People's Journal

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