Jul 6, 2007

Britney Spears Says Sorry For Umbrella Attack

Britney Spears apologized for attacking a photographer's car with an umbrella in February, saying at the time she was preparing to try out for a movie part and got carried away.

The incident took place during the same period in which she shaved her head, got new tattoos and was seen partying hard in Los Angeles clubs.

"I apologize to the pap for a stunt that was done 4 months ago regarding an umbrella," Spears said in a statement posted Wednesday on her Web site. "I was preparing my character for a roll (sic) in a movie where the husband never plays his part so they switch places accidentally. I take all my rolls very seriously and got a little carried away. Unfortunately I didn't get the part."

Not long after the incident, Spears checked into rehab.

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