Jun 13, 2007

Star Patrol: Marjorie Speaks Up For Sister Gretchen

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Gretchen Barreto sent a text message to Star Patrol saying that at the right time she'll speak to the public. This is in reaction to the apology given by John Estrada released at PEP.

Meanwhile, the adage about the Barretto sisters seems to ring true that they look out for each other.
Marjorie gave a reaction at Star Patrol regarding the e-mail of John Estrada to PEP.

"Why did it take so long (John)...It took time." She said to Mario Dumawal. "He owes it to my sister, she was a victim."
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This is a welcome development of the Barretto siblings, who had a famous spat with each other that is still fresh in the mind of the viewers.

"I should be grateful to John after all." Marjorie said playfully. Apparently from day one of the release of the photos, she and Gretchen have been talking to each other everyday. According to her, they are both a comfort to each other. Marjorie has been facing a private storm herself after her shocking separation from her partner Dennis Padilla just recently. She naughtily adds that Gretchen is crazier than her.

Marjorie is firm that everything is ok between Gretchen and Tony Boy Cojuangco. Interestingly enough, she didn't say anything about the status between Claudine and Gretchen.

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